News for May 2024

So we got off to a shocker, quite literally

We had a bit of a stunted start to April and May caused by Dick being looked after by the NHS so well and while he's getting back up and about and beating a chest infection this website is under development, the technology already built that is hosting our shows the last decade or more, and we are opening in Kent initially in July being taken to market by Tina.

Launching Summer 2024

In Summer 2024 we are launching our FIRST seven in-region podcasts in the West of England and in Kent, The Garden of England! We will be working with small and medium sized businesses talking to them about their services and their people, their ambition and taking listeners on an intimate audio journey to learn everything you never knew about them !

We have put together a comprehensive sales pack for companies who are interested in appearing and earlybird pricing is already on the website and will run until 1st September 2024. Please ask Tina or email for more information and how you appear on air. You can also find a new This is Kent Podcast pack in our Downloads section.

We are also launching in Wiltshire, Bristol and Bath - and have put together a comprehensive pack for prospective customers to read that gives them everything they need to know to get involved and to appear on shows. Earlybird pricing is on the website now and will change on the 1st September so it pays to place those orders NOW and save a chunk of cash. You can read the promo pack for the South West here.

In September we then launch Confcasters - focusing on events across the UK at conference centres and major venues.

We are hiring !

We are also looking for podcasters to work for us / with us on contract basis across the UK on a self employed basis. Pay is fortnightly by BACS with great earning opportunities, the more you record that we use, the more you earn. Plus percentage of ad revenue makes this a fantastic chance to join a growing brand. In the first instance email us an MP3 of you talking as an introduction, or reading some text, or a link to a podcast you could have created. A resume / CV would be helpful. Read more on the careers download here.

Do you have a child struggling to sleep ?

We have a podcast called The Magic Castle's Stories Podcast that has over 20,000 listeners every week helping kids get to sleep and reading the bedtime stories. It also saves marriages ! Check it out today and get your life back.

We take to the skies

A few weeks ago one of our newer shows launched to great reviews and a lot of amazing feedback. It's simply called "They Were All Young Men" and it is an eight part podcast (parts one and two already on air), available wherever you get your podcasts (please subscribe), or alternatively if you can't wait follow the links below !

Episode one, is recorded at the Kent Battle of Britain Museum talking at length with the Chairman and the very heart of the museum who is a fantastic chap and holder of the MBE. Do take time to listen to the entire show and if you are in Kent you must make an effort to visit, and to also visit the Commonwealth War Graves a few minutes away before driving onwards to the museum. Visiting the graves of Battle of Britain fallen, including the graves of the German aircrews that are interred there is very important. The museum itself is a fantastic place to go and experience. Located ten minutes from the Folkestone exit on the M20 and signposted for ease of navigation. Listen to the show by following this link.

Episode two, is a piece of history. This is a lovely interview with 106 year old Arthur Steel, one of the last of the few. He survived crashing his Bristol Beaufighter on a sortie over the North Sea at 320mph which tragically killed his colleague. Arthur served in RAF Coastal Command on many active sorties over enemy territory, losing many of his Fighter Wing. He survived the war and this is his story. You will only hear it here on our show, download and enjoy it. He is a quite amazing man. Listen to the show by following this link

News for June 2024

New shows coming online

We are launching VoxInnovate and This is Somerset throughout Summer 2024 alongside our Sounds Delicious in-region podcast segments talking to eateries and dining establishments in Kent, Wiltshire and Somerset initially. We are recording shows for Bristol Calling, Broadcasting Bath and Wired Wiltshire and ramping up our hosting environments.

Our new Focus on Folkestone factsheet is out as we prepare to record and launch the podcast from our own hometown during Summer 2024. Also read our Canterbury Calling infopack which gives more information to prospective folk wanting to be on our shows.

Sounds Delicious is taking shape - talking to eateries, restaurants, fine dining establishments, pop-up kitchens, food trucks and much more - across each region we broadcast from in the UK read the factsheet here about how to take part, grab the one pager and the two pager intro flyer. For more information contact Tina at

News for July 2024

Dick is almost back in the saddle once the cardiology team are happy, expect him back out on the road during the summer once he isn't still stuck full of wires.

The latest VoxSonic newsletter (issue three) is out now !!!

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